powerball is 900 million + yes that's million. just think if nobody won tonight omg it would be 1.3 billion.............
have my 10 chances how about you?
No, I'm waiting until it's worth it. If you consider taxes, converting it to a lump sum, the odds of winning the big prize, the $2 ticket price, and the chances of wining one of those smaller prizes I think it works out that the jackpot would have to be around $1,200,000,000 before its worth buying a ticket. Less than that and you are looking at casino odds where they always favor the house in the longterm. Someone else ran those numbers, I did not check them.
Too bad they can't give one million to 900 people.
I always thought it would be cool to have a state paycheck lottery. Every week someone who gets a pay check would have a chance to get a million dollars. The money could be held out weekly as a state tax, and the excess could go to what ever department needs it the worse, conservation, schools, roads, etc.
Of course, some less populated states may not even have a million people who get a paycheck.
Just a pipe dream........
I don't need the money, so I never play. Can't even imagine what a person would do with all that money...it would be a pure pain in the backside to try and get rid of it all before it drove you insane.
with that much being divided up i would be willing to take it over the 30 years. i'd put it in some sort of trust fund to only distribute so much to me & dh during each year for living expenses & certain home improvement projects. i remember a few years ago a couple won a large lottery & stayed anonymous by setting up 2 trust funds-King & Queen i think they called them. i wonder how well that worked out for them.