Garden Master
Tell you what. Go dig in 4’ of butter and get back to me.
If I’m digging 3-4’ down and 1-2’ wide for 30+’, I’ll trench. People can call me lazy, I’m good with that.
i've done it here in rock hard clay deeper than that for 50-100ft for several projects... then i've had it all ready to go for putting down the draintube and had it rain heavy enough to slump it all in to where i had to dig it back out with a trowel (because it was faster than scraping each shovelful off the shovel). i was barefoot too. much fun...
i like the exercise of digging when i can do it. not much major digging planned here any more, but i'll have some gardens to get ready for spring planting that i didn't finish last fall so those are going to need some prep over the next few weeks.