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- #31
Garden Ornament
Those stripy tomatoes are Tigrovy. My Green Zebras are growing pretty slowly, and I've only got a couple small ones set. And they're not as pretty as these are.
The Tigrovies are a red-striped variety (dunno what color on the stripes yet). I'll keep photographing them as they mature. I'm pretty impressed with their performance... they're tall, thick, and pretty productive. I've got two plants in, but the other one is throwing fruit with no (apparent) stripes. Otherwise, their behavior is similar.
The flea beetles showed up in my squash bed and melon bed. I've not seen any on the tomatoes. I *think* they're flea beetles, at any rate.... they're teeny (~1/16"), round shiny black, and scuttle/jump quickly away when I disturb the leaves. I'm not noticing many holes through leaves (and the ones I do notice look more like slugs), but the leaves are showing pale areas of "vampire" damage. I'll get some pictures of that this afternoon.
The thrips damage is less concentrated, spotty areas that eventually converge, with black spots on. They don't seem to be harming the production of my plants, but after the TSWV scare.... And, frankly, eating thrips poo in my salad (yep, they're all thru the arugula and lettuces) is not terribly appetizing. Little jerks.
I don't know if the spinosad is actually helping things. My problems haven't escalated tho.
The flea beetles showed up in my squash bed and melon bed. I've not seen any on the tomatoes. I *think* they're flea beetles, at any rate.... they're teeny (~1/16"), round shiny black, and scuttle/jump quickly away when I disturb the leaves. I'm not noticing many holes through leaves (and the ones I do notice look more like slugs), but the leaves are showing pale areas of "vampire" damage. I'll get some pictures of that this afternoon.
The thrips damage is less concentrated, spotty areas that eventually converge, with black spots on. They don't seem to be harming the production of my plants, but after the TSWV scare.... And, frankly, eating thrips poo in my salad (yep, they're all thru the arugula and lettuces) is not terribly appetizing. Little jerks.
I don't know if the spinosad is actually helping things. My problems haven't escalated tho.