Rabbit Bedding


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
From THAT dog. Not all dogs are created equally. I had a dog in my neighborhood that was more cat than dog and he was the one that was successful in getting my cages down, crushing them and getting two full grown rabbits out of them....and he was only about 30-35 lbs. And those were some really sturdy built cages. He had to climb up on a feed can, tear them off the wall brackets, pull them outside and destroy them there.

That particular dog was given several chances to stay home, even was taken home and given a new tie out and collar by me, but was back the next day chewing a hole through my rabbitry door.

He took the long walk out at the farm.....ne'er to return.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Bee a dog like that you did the right thing.

You don't know the half of it...this dog was some kind of demon possessed dog. I knew his owner, so I kept asking him to keep him at home but he would just laugh and tell me to yell at him or hit him with a newspaper to make him go home. :rolleyes: Like that works in any real world scenario.

I kept taking that dog home, even bought him tie out and collar to keep him home, but the day I did that he came back for revenge. I was out in my garden, working along and I kept hearing this weird noise, like someone pruning plants. I looked behind me and there stood that dog, glaring at me, and all down the row behind him my foot tall green pepper plants were all lying neatly in a row on the ground...he had bitten each and every one of them off and was just standing there daring me to do something about it. :mad:

Later on that night he chewed a hole in my garage door so he could get in there to be with my dog. I called the cops and asked them what I should do and they said I was allowed to shoot him. Yeah? Right in the middle of town and all? Nope. They said they couldn't do anything about him because they didn't have a dog control department in this town, so people were pretty much on their own.

That's the day he hitched a ride out to the homestead and took a walk with my mother to "dog holler". She does all the dog killin' around here. She said that was the only one she ever actually enjoyed having to shoot, he was that belligerent and evil acting.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Probably...I never knew it if he did, so maybe he learned to keep his dogs at home. It's sad to have to do that to a dog just because someone doesn't care about the harm it does to neighbors, but it became necessary...the dog had done some expensive damage at my place.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
What do you use for bedding for outside rabbit ? I have been buying rabbit bedding for supermarket. They are small bags, that are kind of pricey. Bags are labeled Winter bedding for rabbits and guinea pigs. Would hay or straw work now that springs here.

When I got these rabbits, I felt the same that I wanted them comfortable. What I read about was if you were going to have a rabbit outside that they do not like to be alone, they need a cage that cannot be knocked over and where an animal cannot come underneath the wire and be able to get them through the wire. I read where people had wire and if mice could get through they would kill the baby rabbits. To keep them from having wind blow on them and to keep the sun off of them were some of the main things to think about. I think we built the hutch backwards, so I have no advice for bedding.

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