Range wars

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
I am still hoping that the Judge reconsidered and didn't stop by. At any rate, nobody here saw him stop.

It isn't that I would object if we walked the land as part of the Court case -- with attorneys, court personnel, and concerned parties -- then questions could be addressed and misunderstanding cleared up. But testimony is over and only the closing arguments remain before getting our decision.

If he came, all he would see is where we stopped working in 2012 when the dispute started. Since we cleaned up to the disputed area, it seems as if we stopped where we considered the line should be rather than where it is, 15 feet further from where we stopped.

The neighbors, however, still continue to use and alter the disputed land -- and further into our (officially) undisputed land as if they owned that, too. It would visually make the land look as if they've had control of it for years rather than since 2012-ish.

We appreciate any and all prayers and well wishes even for so unimportant occurrence in the realm of human interaction. Thank you all.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Well, tomorrow is the big day! Tomorrow all the waiting and worrying will finally be over and we'll know the disposition of our disputed property.

NOT! Nope! I got a phone call today stating the Judge has an "emergency hearing" tomorrow morning and our case has been postponed to a future unknown date. I have not idea what this emergency hearing entails. Some reason to take minors out of a household? An order of protection from a dangerous spouse? I can only guess and I guess I'll not be getting this settled as soon as expected. Remember, this should'a been settled in late May.

In the "great scheme of things" 15 feet of property being in dispute is not a life and death situation and therefore is suitable for "off-putting" at will by the busy Court system. So we hurry up and wait once again. I am left to explain to a confused DH why we're still not done.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
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Long Grove, IA
Well, tomorrow is the big day! Tomorrow all the waiting and worrying will finally be over and we'll know the disposition of our disputed property.

NOT! Nope! I got a phone call today stating the Judge has an "emergency hearing" tomorrow morning and our case has been postponed to a future unknown date. I have not idea what this emergency hearing entails. Some reason to take minors out of a household? An order of protection from a dangerous spouse? I can only guess and I guess I'll not be getting this settled as soon as expected. Remember, this should'a been settled in late May.

In the "great scheme of things" 15 feet of property being in dispute is not a life and death situation and therefore is suitable for "off-putting" at will by the busy Court system. So we hurry up and wait once again. I am left to explain to a confused DH why we're still not done.
Oh SHOOT .... :rantI was so hoping this would be all said and done tomorrow. Sorry that it will gone on longer. :hugsHang in there.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
A new final date for Court -- July 15th! We mere mortals can only hope the Fates follow through, keep this promise, and grant us a resolution. This dispute's been going on since spring of 2012 and it is time for the 'feud' to end. Not that I expect the neighbors to become neighborly. They glare at us and I smile back at them.

It is really too bad we don't get along. They heat with wood and we have three goodly-sized trees to cut up and (probably) burn.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
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San Francisco East Bay
Smart Red, they probably won't take it but I would still offer it. Sort of like a piece offering. Maybe you could put a sign out for them. This way neither of you have to talk to each other.


Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
We had another tree fall over some time ago, before the Range Wars began. The neighbor guy came over when I was outside and asked if he could have the wood. I told him he was welcome to it. He never followed through. I suspected his wife put the kibosh on the deal and said he wasn't taking anything from us.

These trees are not in or very close to the disputed area. He would have to walk/drive well onto our property to get access to the trees. I would still be okay with that, but DH and DS looked at me as if I'd grown another head. I am just too sweet for words.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
We had another tree fall over some time ago, before the Range Wars began. The neighbor guy came over when I was outside and asked if he could have the wood. I told him he was welcome to it. He never followed through. I suspected his wife put the kibosh on the deal and said he wasn't taking anything from us.

These trees are not in or very close to the disputed area. He would have to walk/drive well onto our property to get access to the trees. I would still be okay with that, but DH and DS looked at me as if I'd grown another head. I am just too sweet for words.
Yes you are !! Too bad the neighbors do not realize that. ;)

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Okay, Carol Dee, too sweet for words and you agree. I imagine the neighbors would have other words for me. Remember the chicken coop with Rowdy Rooster and his friends that is going up next to their kitchen window?

Their lawyer, in his best Yosemite Sam stance, was looking pretty deflated by the end of the testimony part of the trial. Whether he realizes he was lied to or merely thinks his clients were misguided, the attorney wasn't looking very happy at day's end.

The neighbors, despite getting 'caught' in a few lies, seem to feel even more anger and sense of deserved ownership of more than the disputed property. For example, the Mrs. testified that she had never had a discussion with me about the property lines and didn't know where they ran until 2014. We did. Not exactly a discussion, as she started yelling and cursing at me until I left the paperwork and walked away. That was in the spring of 2012.

In Court I was asked if I recognized a paper. Yes, I said, it is identical to one I gave Mrs. B in 2012. Both the attorney and the Mr.'s head did a quick dart back at her. I'm sure the Judge was aware of the movement.

She testified that she had removed barbed wire from a fence between our properties within a month or so of moving in. The old neighbor and I both testified there was never a fence line between us. The fence would have run through several buildings that were on the line. Highly unlikely! In truth, DH and I put the T-posts there in 2012 when we started cleaning further to our East. Even her spouse testified that he put the same barbed wire along the shed that she said she put there. He from repairing the barn fencing, and she after removing it from the imaginary posts.

Of course, to many people getting caught is far worse than lying in the first place. Since it is my fault she got caught, she feels she has reason to be even more angry. Their attorney said they wanted an apology from us along with our land. I fully intend to apologize at the end of the case. I hope they can tell me what I am apologizing for.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I side with your son and DH on this one. At the edge of the property, I might give them the wood. Traipsing all over my property after what they have put you through, NO. well.........maybe if I directed them to a bear trap.......