Range wars


Garden Addicted
Jul 2, 2011
Reaction score
North Middle Tn
Yes, son intends to be there. He probably won't be called to testify since he doesn't know anything I can't already testify to, but DH will need bathroom breaks and perhaps some attention I can't give to him so son will be there to help if needed. New places are often confusing to DH and knowing son will be there is a good thing.

I don't know how long someone can sit when they can't hear what's being said and won't understand much of it anyway. We don't expect DH to be called to testify. If he would be, little would make sense and neither side would benefit from the ordeal. The court already knows Clayton has problems with memory and word selection. Son might take him out for a while if he needs to get up and do something.

Check the time. I guess I am a bit worried, too. I should be sleeping!

In my thoughts and prayers that it all goes smoothly and settled quickly.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Court was cut short today for a funeral the judge was going to. Need to return tomorrow at 2:45 and possibly another day sometime after that. So far it was just the view of the suers and the old neighbor. Nothing he said helped them. That's how far we got today.

DH was really good even if he was bored and unable to hear or follow the testimony. Son didn't arrive, but he wouldn't have been needed for DH so all went well.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Your judge seems to take off more then he works.
That I can't address, but emergencies do come up and the judge is as susceptible to them as anyone else. Had our court date been two weeks earlier, we would have been in the hospital and required a date change, too. I would have liked to get this resolved a lot earlier, but it seems to be true that "the wheels of justice turn slowly but exceedingly fine."


Garden Master
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
Praying for you. It is sweet of you to be so understanding of the judge. I certainly hope there is a favorable outcome here.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
One more morning in Court this coming Wednesday and this all will be over -- whichever way I don't know. I do have very good feelings about my testimony today. Still on a high and not sure I'll be able to sleep. Their attorney was doing his Yosemite Sam impersonation again because he couldn't get me to say what he wanted the judge to hear.

That's the good thing about telling the truth, there is no need to remember what you said the last time. None of my story changed from my first "interrogatories" to my "deposition" to my testimony in Court. I was loud and clear and assertive in my answers -- sounding like I knew what I was talking about and upending many of the neighbor's statements with good solid facts.

The not so good news -- from my point of view -- is the judge is stopping by to walk along the disputed property. Not so good because when this dispute started in 2012 we stopped our clearing work until the situation was settled. Since the neighbors still DO NOT KNOW where the disputed land is they have continued to use it and then some more of our land with impunity.

As the Court documents state, the neighbors are seeking 15 feet of our land, yet the descriptions in the documents are for 20 feet in the North, 30 feet in the middle, and over 40 feet by the time the field in the far South is reached (where it goes back to 15 feet, I presume). I don't know if the Judge will be able to see that without someone to point it out.

Hopefully my testimony was clear enough to explain the area, but I could only mention what was asked of me and much (that I thought important) was not asked. Now it is "Hurry up and wait". The good news is that the Judge said he will study the issues, facts, case law, and precedents so he will be able to make a decision about half an hour after the attorneys finish their closing arguments. It is good to know we won't be waiting for weeks or a month to know the results.

Gypsy keeps sneaking up behind me and trying to scare me (it worked) while I type so I'd best finish this up and get to bed as I told her I had planned to do before I turned the computer on.