There are two catalogs from the Pacific Northwest you might want to have a look at. Also, one from the Canadian side of the line.
Irish Eyes Garden Seeds might be a little far to pay shipping on their seed potatoes, I don't know, I didn't check their rates. I have some trouble getting myself to buy seed potatoes from a distant specialty outfit because the local garden centers will have them delivered in bulk and sell their potatoes at far lower cost. Problem is, they have only some of what I want.
If I want what I want, which is the whole reason for ordering from distant outfits, I should ante up the cost. Besides, Irish Eyes is closer than any other catalog company from my front door . Irish Eyes also sells packets of seed for all sorts of crops so sneaking a couple pounds of potatoes into an order may not make you feel embarrassingly self-indulgent.
Things are changing with the other two outfits - first the one where I have seen some of those changes over several years. My involvement Osbourne Seed doesn't go back as far as my orders from Johnny's, on the East Coast. (When are these outfits gonna give some customer appreciation credits for people who have been with them for the last 40 years? How about just a senior discount ?)
Anyway, my involvement doesn't go back as far but Osborne has entered the top tier with a beautiful 2016 hardcopy catalog. Finally, their price list isn't separate. Be sure to look at the price list there in the the glossy format. Everything they offer isn't accompanied by a big, colorful description and picture. Packets are large usually but they have really trended towards broadening their appeal and even those people with small gardens should find some interesting varieties.
I've been watching West Coast Seeds just over the Washington/British Columbia border make big changes with their new owners. Yes, they ship "across Canada and throughout the United States!" I have yet to order from either the old or new owners but if organic seed is what you are looking for, check out this outfit, just a short early morning ferry trip for @aftermidnight.
@digitS' They sell West Coast seeds at all the garden centers and nurseries locally, so don't need to take that ferry trip for those, in fact I have Kelsae Onion seeds sprouting as I type this from West Coast seeds. They're coming up like hairs on a dog's back .
First shipment of seed arrived Saturday from Osborne ... tiny box ... but! There are still a couple things on backorder .
My Harris Seed order went out. This is often a big one because Harris has large packets at good prices.
Need to get the Stoke's Seed order put together. Some early things are in there ... altho' it was Osborne with the onion seed again this year.
Ya know, those of you who can't believe some of these outfits are spending (& wasting) so much with multiple, multiple catalog mailings may like Stokes just because they don't. It's a company with a long history and a very large selection. I don't want to take anything away from their glossy presentation - the pictures are good. However, the pictures are small and many varieties are only noted in the text. You get one copy. They will have a fall issue - which is a skinny thing and mostly for Christmas products. They are probably just frugal but Stokes deserves strokes ...
Next to the colorful, glossy catalogs, I find Stokes hard to read. I do like their selections and many of their prices. I usually find what I want in a pretty catalog and then seek it out amid Stoke's newsprint.
I have a Victory Seed Company catalog with no pictures at all. But you can go to their website to see what anything new looks like. I ordered from them last year and was happy with the seed I planted.
But pretty pictures are what gets me to buy seeds usually.