So How DID I End Up Here?


Garden Addicted
May 30, 2011
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Whitefish, MT
One of the stories I like best is on my wife's side. She worked on here geneology and found one of her ancestors was an English ship's captain. She could not find his wife's name though. She was only known as "The Spanish Lady". How would you like to go down in history as "The Spanish Lady"? That's just so poetic, at least to me. Much better than having an actual name.

That IS pretty cool Ridge! And much better than being forgotten entirely, like a bagillion other people in history. I'm sure depending on the timeline and politics at the time, it was occasionally said with a snarl too "That SPANISH lady" :lol:


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
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Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
So Lucky, I was just telling the good stuff, partly because that was all that was written down from way back then. For several generations high school education, let alone college, has been pretty rare on both sides for my ancestors. My mother only made it through the 4th grade in a small two-room country school. I grew up “Up the Valley”. She grew up “Way Up the Valley”. She’s still one of the sharpest people I’ve met.

I have no doubt some of these stories are in your background, but they were not written down or passed down. That’s why SeedO needs to be working on this stuff.

I wouldn’t know most of this if Dad’s first cousin hadn’t written a genealogy book and then his daughter revised, corrected, and updated it. I remember being at my Grandmothers when his daughter was interviewing her for the revised book. She was trying to find out when a certain couple were married. My grandmother immediately said it was the Saturday after the second Sunday in April, 1917 because that was the Saturday after a certain relative was baptized and Baptism was always the second Sunday. That was full-body dunking in the cold creek that runs by the church and gives it its name, Cedar Creek Primitive Missionary Baptist Church. I ate many a dinner-on-the-ground there.


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
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White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
My 94 year old father still lives in the house my grandparents built in 1903 when they came over from Italy. My grandmom had 13 children, in the bedroom he now has. He always said he was born in that room and will die in that room. Sad that none of us kids want to live in that house, after he is gone.


Deeply Rooted
Sep 17, 2013
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Central Ohio, zone 5b
Lots of interesting history, here. Yes, SeedO, make sure you get it all written down, before your parents start forgetting. Or maybe your parents would like to write it down, or record it. (do people still use tape recorders)
All these stories make my own inglorious ancestors appear poorer than dirt, in pocket and in spirit. My mom's family were gypsies, moving here and there with lumber camps. Dad's family were farmers. My grandma ran a puppy mill. :/My older brother was the first of any of either family to graduate from high school.
Not all of us come from noble stock, apparently!

I'm from anything but noble stock! :rolleyes:

Everybody on my dad's side of the family are kind of like the characters from Tom Saywer. :p Pa effectively had no education until high school, he played a lot of hookie. He dropped out of high school, but did go back to finish it later. He lived up in the boonies, next to a railroad in a shack. When he was 8 he then decided to play on a moving train. He ended up falling off. The train grabbed his leg and tore the skin off, he had to get an amputation. He got married to Ma and had his first house (a trailer) in a junkyard.

Most of my mom's side of the family I am sickened to even be related to. Grandma and grandpa from Ma's side were morbidly fat drunkard's that lived off of government welfare, just because they could. Grandma forced Ma to be her drinking buddy when she was 14. Ma was basically working to keep them alive. She took care of uncle and aunt, tared the roof, pretty much did all of the work when grandma and grandpa just kept getting fatter. There are plenty of other things they've done; I'll spare you from listening to them, they get worse!
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Deeply Rooted
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
Central Ohio, zone 5b

It actually got me scratching my head even more than before. But this would probably make a great starting point for researching this!

I guess Russia still has a czar. But the czar is more of a figurehead, kind of like the modern queen and king of England. I asked Ma, but she doesn't know anything more about it! Might want to try again.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
I only listed my immediate parentage and their settling here in south-est, centra-est Wisconsin. I do have a deeper history. I have ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War and in the Civil War. One was at Appomattox the day Lee surrendered. A large number of relatives moved through New York state and into Canada.

I also have a cattle rustler in the family, not in the distant past. My brother sold a dairy farm and rented his cows to the new buyer after saying he was renting the cows from someone living in south-est, central-est Wisconsin. After several years, the new farmer fell behind in his mortgage and the place was taken over by the bank.

My brother insisted the cows were his, but the bank intended to sell them with the property to recoup their losses saying that they had possession of the the cows so the cows were theirs. My brother got some friends together and rustled just over half the herd. The bank did try to get them back, but Stan insisted that possession was 9/10 of the law and HE had them. Eventually all was dropped and Stan sold the cows to another farmer.

For a long time afterwards I was worried that the IRS would question my large milk check in/milk check out book-keeping and cause a problem.


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
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SeedO, this is the Romanov's official family website:

After you've read that page, might want to click the index link at the bottom of the page.

On their main index page you'll find links to the other pages of the website. This website uses the more rare bronze color type for the active links.

Not sure how much history you know SeedO. Wikipedia at this time has become a wonderful resource for history.

There are only 2 difficulties using wikipedia to learn history. First, is knowing where to start, that is, what to type in the wikipedia search box.

The second difficulty are all the other related links you may wish to open in new tabs, and sequencing the reading of them.


I would begin general, with a search beginning at, european history, or history of europe. Have a good sized notepad to write the linked site url 's down.

Perhaps from there Russian History, or history of russia. from there are some major events to link to.

Remember, Russian history is closely linked to German and french histories. Queen Victoria was mother and grandmother to a lot of kings and queens!


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
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NYboy, recent dna tests were done after finally finding all the remains. Alexei and Anastasia's remains were most difficult to find, but they did find them. Also some servants and two dogs.

Anastasia did indeed perish with her family there. I think that, actually, the sociological and psychological studies of the spread of the rumors and the persons involved could actually yield some clues to human behaviors. A normal tendency is to want to find survivors, and in this case, at least one person wanted to take psychological advantage of that tendency. Her means to do so really should be studied.