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- #1,131
Garden Master
as a kid i was very allergic and reactive to many foods including peanut butter, citrus of any kinds plus many other things including eggs.
i went once a week for many years to a doctor to get stuck with needles full of things to get me to where i could survive most buffets without too much to worry about.
however, i've also had bad batches of peanut butter that did get me to react to them and i stopped eating peanut butter for a few years and was careful when i started up again. now i eat roasted peanuts and peanut butter practically every day. with citrus i eat a small orange or some lime or lemon once in a while without any problem but if i eat a lot i will break out in small bumps in reaction and i have very bad reactions to cleaning stuff that has orange oil in it. lemon is not so bad, but overall most smelly stuff will bother me and garden plants of various kinds are also reactive for me so i have to be careful around plants i don't know (lavender i can react to like poison ivy and lilacs are also very bad and i have to get away from them if they are blooming).
i went once a week for many years to a doctor to get stuck with needles full of things to get me to where i could survive most buffets without too much to worry about.
however, i've also had bad batches of peanut butter that did get me to react to them and i stopped eating peanut butter for a few years and was careful when i started up again. now i eat roasted peanuts and peanut butter practically every day. with citrus i eat a small orange or some lime or lemon once in a while without any problem but if i eat a lot i will break out in small bumps in reaction and i have very bad reactions to cleaning stuff that has orange oil in it. lemon is not so bad, but overall most smelly stuff will bother me and garden plants of various kinds are also reactive for me so i have to be careful around plants i don't know (lavender i can react to like poison ivy and lilacs are also very bad and i have to get away from them if they are blooming).