The Seed Emergency: The Threat to Food and Democracy


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
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Detlor Poultry said:
Ladyhawke1 said:
Ahem! Surely you jest? Monsanto the US Government. ?????? Pleasssse. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Well, you must admit, it is kinda suspicious... Guy works for Monsanto, then quits, joins U.S. congress, makes some very important decision in reards to agriculture, etc., then goes back to work for Monsanto... Maybe it was a joke, but it may just be pretty close to truth. Anyways, by patenting seeds and monopolizing, they have generated alot of revenue. Revenue that shouldn't exist because that type of monopoly and genetic pateting shouldn't exist. are talking about LOBBYISTS!

That is called the "revolving door" in government circles. We allow people from industry to go back and forth in and out of our government offices. We have the best congress that money can buy.

However, the Government of the United States of YOU and I. And never forget that.

It is you and I who are responsible for letting these punitive policies flourish because we do not do our jobs. Remember how it was done in old days with the rail, the tar, and the feathers? I just love that one. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Lyrics from a song ...." I wanna be around to pick up the pieces".......;)

Detlor Poultry

Attractive To Bees
Jan 10, 2012
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Zone 3b - Ontario
Ladyhawke1 said: are talking about LOBBYISTS!

That is called the "revolving door" in government circles. We allow people from industry to go back and forth in and out of our government offices. We have the best congress that money can buy.

However, the Government of the United States of YOU and I. And never forget that.

It is you and I who are responsible for letting these punitive policies flourish because we do not do our jobs. Remember how it was done in old days with the rail, the tar, and the feathers? I just love that one. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Lyrics from a song ...." I wanna be around to pick up the pieces".......;)
Very true, we must keep being wise in the decision we make in regards to who is 'on top'. Unfortunately, we are a minority, and the millions of people who maybe live in big cities or towns and couldn't care less about agriculture outnumber us, but the number of those aware to 'food problems' is increasing, and the only thing we can do right now is cast are ballot against those we suspect will make a potentially harmful decision.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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1) India doesn't obey patent laws in anythingsee moped industry.

Why would they? Seeds are a natural product and are part of natures bounty and they are not there to sustain a profit for those who want to only service those who can pay for it. And, as for those who are not allowed to save their own seed and cannot pay for seed just let them starve to death and die.

Want to stop invention, use that model for business.

No one wants to stop better breeding and natural plant selections and improvements. I for one do not want someone putting a gene from a fish put into my tomato OHthat has already been done. Nor do I want antibiotics given to my children by them eating a genetically modified banana. That scheme has been done too.
So you're alright for companies to breed better products but give it away? That is so good of you. Mind if I come take some of your money, since you "in my opinion only" have too much and it needs to be re-allocated. Maybe you are OK with slave labor countries not obeying patent laws but I'm not.

As far as pollution in the USA, it's nothing compared to slave labor countries (0 pollution is impossible) but you support them and would rail on the USA. If you think they are so good, move there.

The "fish" gene is not being placed into vegetables. It is a gene from algae that fish eat. Fish (and mammels) have genes added to our genetic profile all the time. NONE of the genes that are put into our crops are genes that humans haven't been eating for centuries. You really need to do your homework instead of listening to a few alarmist that have about 10% of the truth.

Again, don't like GMO's, support with your purchases non-GMO's and thier products.


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
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The people in the cities will soon enough become aware of things as prices go up and a livable wage become a thing of the past.speak about slavery.. :) where is seedcorn when you need him? :lol::lol::lol:

As I write this, the affluent are being encouraged six ways to Sunday to find ways and means not to pay their fair share of the taxes. :ya :ya :ya
When the wealthy find loopholes, you and I have to take up burden in the funds required to run this country. Taxes are how a country takes care of its people, and if that is not accomplished.why .then the skunks just get the ill informed to blame some one else for ya all gitten a smaller piece of that there pie. ;) :woot

Now think about it..where are your taxes going, and what is being done with your money and mine? Are your taxes serving you? Things like food safety, healthcare, infrastructure, (that also means neighborhoods and even the house next door), shelter, roads, flood control, highways, railroads, schools, education teachers, police, doctors and nurses. Who needs em! :cool::duc

Rather than have my taxes pay for that which we all hold in all of the above, I had rather be a back water, disease infested, mud hole, and make sure I can make as many wars as possible over there.( wherever there is) so I can feel safe, and THEY ( whoever they are) cannot come over here and git me. :gig

All the while, the 1% are laughing themselves silly. They keep us afraid and wanting. Because it has worked so well in the past, those rascals keep using the same playbook over, and over again. There is nothing new under the sun..erOops! Except for the GMOs. :coolsun


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
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seedcorn said:
1) India doesn't obey patent laws in anythingsee moped industry.

Why would they? Seeds are a natural product and are part of natures bounty and they are not there to sustain a profit for those who want to only service those who can pay for it. And, as for those who are not allowed to save their own seed and cannot pay for seed just let them starve to death and die.

Want to stop invention, use that model for business.

No one wants to stop better breeding and natural plant selections and improvements. I for one do not want someone putting a gene from a fish put into my tomato OHthat has already been done. Nor do I want antibiotics given to my children by them eating a genetically modified banana. That scheme has been done too.
So you're alright for companies to breed better products but give it away? That is so good of you. Mind if I come take some of your money, since you "in my opinion only" have too much and it needs to be re-allocated. Maybe you are OK with slave labor countries not obeying patent laws but I'm not.

As far as pollution in the USA, it's nothing compared to slave labor countries (0 pollution is impossible) but you support them and would rail on the USA. If you think they are so good, move there.

The "fish" gene is not being placed into vegetables. It is a gene from algae that fish eat. Fish (and mammels) have genes added to our genetic profile all the time. NONE of the genes that are put into our crops are genes that humans haven't been eating for centuries. You really need to do your homework instead of listening to a few alarmist that have about 10% of the truth.

Again, don't like GMO's, support with your purchases non-GMO's and thier products.
OMG! I try so hard but ya can take a horse to water but ya just can't make him drink.


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
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For those who do not know what the "Commons" are:

They hang the man, and flog the woman,
That steals the goose from off the common;
But let the greater villain loose,
That steals the common from the goose.


Chillin' In The Garden
Jan 11, 2012
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Detlor Poultry said:
r4eboxer said:
seedcorn said:
1) India doesn't obey patent laws in anything--see moped industry. Want to stop invention, use that model for business.
2) People can breed/save their own seed, they can't use patented seed in their breeding scheme.
3) 95% of cotton in India is GMO bought by farmers from a GMO supplier, interesting as I didn't know that.

People in industry buy the seed that produces the most with the least cost because the consumer will buy the cheapest he can. The reason that slave labor countries took over our jobs is not because they made better products but because of slave labor, they made it cheaper. Want your product produced in a certain way? No problem, support the industry with your dollars that you purchase goods with.

Really want to do some good for this planet? Start by boycotting all slave labor goods and stop supporting slave labor countries that observe no labor laws, environmental laws and are polluting our water sources and depleting the oceans. Using GMO cotton to produce cheap clothe that drove our farmers/businesses broke pales in comparison to the pollution and human suffering they cause every day. But hey, keep on supporting them.
I think the problem with what Monsanto is doing is that "their own seed" (meaning mine and yours) is being contaminated by GMO's and Monsanto is then making claim to that seed also. A GMO seed will overtake an organic seed.

It makes me wonder what is next. Water and air are sure to be next if Monsanto succeeds
Sometimes I wonder if Monsanto would be trying so hard to monopolize if the US government (which is Monsanto) wasn't so horrifically in debt... This money craze may be to help the US... until they get greedy and keep going.... I do fail to see how they would monopolize air, but water is surely next....
and they will surely get greedy....

I kind of wonder how they will do it with air, but they will try and try again. If we don't put up a fight for our seeds and water they will win again with air.

I'm not really sure why someone would argue for a company that is trying to monopolize an industry. I'd be curious to know what their motives are. I've just begun to read about the seed crisis and I have to tell you it is scary.

I'm interested to know why someone would defend Monsanto. I'd like to hear the case, I've heard why people are against it but I've never really heard why people support it (meaning Monsanto), or is it that you don't think it is real (kind of like climate change, golbal warming etc) I'm not trying to be a smart@a I just wonder what exactly is the reason people choose to debate on the side of the seed giants. Maybe the people defending Monsanto have not really read much on it? Maybe they are not aware of the new appointment to the FDA by Obama? Do you think it's really not happening? I'd think people who grow their own foods would be on the side of the growers.

When I first heard we were not going to be able to harvest the seeds from our vegetables I was in shock. To think I would sow, and care for that plant and put all the love and effort into bringing forth fruit and then not be able to fully own that fruit is still insane to me.

Detlor Poultry

Attractive To Bees
Jan 10, 2012
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Zone 3b - Ontario
r4eboxer said:
and they will surely get greedy....

I kind of wonder how they will do it with air, but they will try and try again. If we don't put up a fight for our seeds and water they will win again with air.

I'm not really sure why someone would argue for a company that is trying to monopolize an industry. I'd be curious to know what their motives are. I've just begun to read about the seed crisis and I have to tell you it is scary.

I'm interested to know why someone would defend Monsanto. I'd like to hear the case, I've heard why people are against it but I've never really heard why people support it (meaning Monsanto), or is it that you don't think it is real (kind of like climate change, golbal warming etc) I'm not trying to be a smart@a I just wonder what exactly is the reason people choose to debate on the side of the seed giants. Maybe the people defending Monsanto have not really read much on it? Maybe they are not aware of the new appointment to the FDA by Obama? Do you think it's really not happening? I'd think people who grow their own foods would be on the side of the growers.

When I first heard we were not going to be able to harvest the seeds from our vegetables I was in shock. To think I would sow, and care for that plant and put all the love and effort into bringing forth fruit and then not be able to fully own that fruit is still insane to me.
I wasn't trying to defend Monsanto, if that's what you meant. After all the dirty things they've done in the name of agriculture, it woul be very nice to move away to Iceland where there is no monsanto or genetically defiled corn or 'Mice-tomatoes'. But I just don't quite understand their motives. There are some people I've talked to who believe Monsanto is trying to overtake the world (yes, seriously, they believe that), but that seems a little radical for me. It would make sence that, when a country is in big debt to 56 other countries, and is almost bankrupt, they would deploy, in advent, a very monopolous scheme to squish all the money they possibly could out of people. But, like you said, even if it works, the country breaks even, will the stop? Heck No! People are pigs. Remember that.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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I had rather be a back water, disease infested, mud hole,

If that were true, you would be there. So you knowingly typed something that is not accurate at all because there is NOTHING stopping you from leaving the good, 'ol USA and move to a 3rd world country where things are so much better. Interesting that you have a computer, electric, internet but you aspire to live in a back water, disease infested mud hole.

I like my roads, public education, police, etc. No I will tell go stronger, I appreciate these people and support them ALL DAY LONG. If I have to pay taxes for this, I do it willingly. For those that don't, don't use any of these services EVER. Of course first time someone steals something, who do you call??? Not ghost busters.

You can harvest seeds from plants you developed, just not what someone else did on private money. Why is that so hard to understand??? Because maybe you want them to do all the high priced research and you want to use it without having to pay for it.

Support the industries that produce the goods the way you want them to.

Detlor Poultry

Attractive To Bees
Jan 10, 2012
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Zone 3b - Ontario
seedcorn said:
Support the industries that produce the goods the way you want them to.
If those industries would produce goods lthe right way, they could be supported, but not if those industries are crossing lines that nobody should ever cross. Some of the 'industries' are doing things that a wrong. There is no comparison or argument or consolation. It's just wrong to go into the fundamental base of an organism and start befouling everything. When you get Flounder/Tomato hybrids or Mice that get bizarre cancers or have human intestines, or pet fish that come in 6 designer colors, you've gone way too far. If nothing had changed in regards to agriculture since, oh, about the 1910's, the world would be far healthier. I would not take genetic engineering or the like lightly. Especially since it affects us. That's right. It's not healthy for us to eat these frankinfoods, but millions do, everyday.

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