Garden Master
I will pretend that it isn't a pest.

There are moth caterpillars that only feed on decaying plant material on the soil surface – mulch. So, they play a role in making compost, dontcha know?
Yeah, probably showed up after playing a role devastating some crop.
Hey, I found what I will guessed was a baby cricket on the kitchen floor this morning. Was he? Well, he couldn't jump so probably not. Carried him outside. Can't take on too much responsibility for being ignorant.

There are moth caterpillars that only feed on decaying plant material on the soil surface – mulch. So, they play a role in making compost, dontcha know?
Hey, I found what I will guessed was a baby cricket on the kitchen floor this morning. Was he? Well, he couldn't jump so probably not. Carried him outside. Can't take on too much responsibility for being ignorant.