What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?


Garden Addicted
Jul 17, 2008
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Zone 6A - Southeast Indiana
OMG, I think I might actually be FINISHED today!! (Well, except I'll need to plant my pumpkin seeds next month - never ends.) I planted peppers and zukes yesterday. Today is watermelon & nutmeg melon, and some leftover tomatoes that I didn't have room for before.

Then it will be time to work on my flower garden! :D

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
I managed to plant out more zucchini & squash plants today. I planted them on hills of good mature compost & mulched them with lots of grass cuttings that my neighbours donated (none of them use them because they think it makes their gardens look messy..........!!) I don't argue with them as I accept their wheelbarrows full of grass & I do give them veggies when their plants wither & die in very hot summers!! :D The older Brits tend to be very loathe to come to terms with our, now frequent, long dry summers! They like their gardens to have large green lawns & big open island flower-beds with lots of bare earth showing between the sparse rose bushes & the edging annuals. Consequently we only have to have a few weeks of no rain & watering restrictions for their gardens to turn into deserts. I have long given up trying to help as us Brits are stubborn..............! :he :idunno :hu ;)

I feel better for my little rant :tongue :plbb :lol:

TODAY I even planted some tomatoes out in one of my raised beds; now this is very brave...!! WE could still have a late frost but I've checked the long weather forecast & I think I am going to get away with it ( with the help of my trusty fleece if it suddenly gets cold or very windy)! I intend to grow all the smaller varieties of tomatoes in pots so I can take them inside to continue growing in the fall. With luck we will have a long warm Autumn but you never can tell!

It was our warmest day of this year today -- so hot I retired indoors at noon, ate lunch & had a nap. I was back outside mid-afternoon potting up aubergines & peppers.

Tomorrow I'll fill another raised bed -- I can only manage to do one a day! :old :old :old I've got 5 beds done now so that leaves me with 4 to go. My zucchini, squash, cucumbers& melons are not in the raised beds but on hills ranged along a protective close-boarded fence. Each mound has it's own ring of thick grass cuttings to keep them really cosy & so far I have kept a long pane of glass or plastic in front of them. I have been watering them with my grandpas mixture, a variation of manure tea! I have added aspirin to the mixture as my contribution & I have to say I have never grown such sturdy little plants before, I'm really very proud of my little darlings! :celebrate

I hope to have more little darlings by Tuesday as my Dorking Hen is due to hatch then. That would make my Spring if she pulls that off. She is very young, they say they should not be allowed to set until they are well into their 2nd year but she was so stubborn & I just could not stop her! SO, WE ARE EXPECTING COME TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY. :bow :bow :bow :love

I'm off to bed now, ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR DAY! :happy_flower

:rose Hattie :rose

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow

It's another wonderful :coolsun morning & all of my plants I set out yesterday are fine, having survived the night, my cat, the neighbour's cats, my chickens this morning, slugs, snails,etc. So I shall proceed with putting out more of my small but very strong plants.

I shall sow a lot of flower seeds now for putting out in the garden later in the year like wallflowers & delphiniums -- all for next year's garden. I'll sow pansies for the fall & winter. I had to get a lot of my veggies in first -- food being my priority.......!!! :throw

Lots of bees about this morning :bee :bee :bee Both my broad beans & peas are blooming madly. I can't wait to eat my own home-grown stuff again.

I had problems with my broody Dorking hen this morning. She suddenly decided she had had enough of all her eggs & was determined to go play with her friends instead. This was what I had been dreading as she is really too young to 'set'. Eventually I caught her & put her back on the eggs -- surprisingly she settled down immediately -- so all is well. The really funny thing was one of the big Dorking roos went & sat the eggs to keep them warm. I've had this happen before with an Andalusian roo -- they seem to know what to do & are very gentle with the eggs. Nature is so wonderful & surprising sometimes :celebrate


Hi karanleaf :frow
I read that you had a really busy day & made $400 US yesterday -- good for you & DH. Are you open today as well? I bet you slept well last night......!!:cool: :bouquet to you SISTER!! :happy_flower

Right I'm off out to finish filling another raised bed --PHEW! It's warm out there! :coolsun :coolsun :coolsun

Have a great day :rainbow-sun:rainbow-sun

:rose Hattie :rose

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
Oh dear! The rain has just started & it looks as if we might get one of the thunder-storms we were warned against -- my head & ears sound BUZZY...!! Sure sign for me. ;)

I was clearing up my raised bed/ veg area because I've decided that I like what I did with the layout last night. I was moving the centre-piece into position when it came on to rain. It's a column with a circular dish on the top, filled with water & a small statue (of a cupid holding a flambeau/dish) in the centre). I have put this together from all the 'JUNK' (as my brother unkindly calls it :smack ) left over from my theatrical designer days! Pretty useful 'JUNK' I'd say! :celebrate

I want to get outside again to plant up all my smaller varieties of tomatoes in pretty pots which I will then place round this column. I think I will have to think up a decorative fence to put round this when the tomatoes arrive otherwise the Dorking Gang of Marauding Chickens will decimate it. They are being so good at the moment -- it's unbelievable -- BUT it won't last, especially when they see RED tomatoes & peppers.....!!! :throw
:happy_flower NEWS for anyone who is interested in seeing more photos of this years CHELSEA FLOWER SHOW. I found this collection on the web when I was looking for something else. They are very representative of what was shown on the BBC programmes I saw last week. You can easily enlarge them for a good snoop at the ideas.....!! Hope you like them!

Have a great day! :rainbow-sun

:rose Hattie :rose


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
It is Memorial Day and, tho' I'm no "traditionalist," it's time to fill up the garden with the warm-season plants :watering!

For the 2nd time this year, the thermometer topped 80F yesterday and hasn't dropped below 43 over the last 3 nights. Today is supposed to be another 80+ day but clouds are predicted for tomorrow, with even warmer night-time temperatures :D. Both clouds and warm temps should help the tomatoes and peppers.
Again this year, we've got cukes, summer squash, and melons to transplant :celebrate. I don't think that I could grow anything but Minnesota Midget melons without giving those vines a head start in the greenhouse.

Since the sprinklers have run several times on the big veggie garden where these plants will go, the soil will be compacted again. But, I don't have enuf organic fertilizer for all these things. I may have to bring out the big tiller twice - once for the plants and in a day or so to side-dress with fertilizer.
Busy day ahead . . . :weee!



Garden Ornament
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
Glenwood, Missouri zone 5
I had an enjoyable day yesterday potted up different plantings. :watering
We had a nice flow of customers Saturday and yesterday afternoon. :clap
And BBQ pork steak on the grill. :p
It has been a nice weekend :thumbsup

So, with the exception that my youngest sister is in the Hospital, she had been having pain in her mid back area. Dr had been treating her for kidney stones,but also told her if she didn't have any relief by Friday to go to the ER. They scanned her and found she has a large Blood Clot in her right lung. :ep This could have been fatal has it could have moved completely shutting down her lungs or moved to her heart. :ep :hit :hit They gave her a clot buster right away. She is on complete bed rest and is being given blood thinners. They will do more scans tomorrow to see if it is dissipating. She was so upset, of course we were also, but relieve that it was found before it killed her. :fl :fl :fl Now if she will just quit smoking, as the Dr ordered. But of Course she doesn't get to go out side. So this maybe a head start for her. She had to take her shower sitting in a shower chair.
She is more stir crazy now, than anything. She is only 37 years old. But a smoker and taking Birth control, that is a bad combination. :old

Well here are some photos I took this morning of our garden area.

DH's potatos are coming along very well :clap

And the fence garden looks good :D

I planted up some gift baskets

And I have a family of shoes and boots planted up

And I have a hanging wall planter my MIL gave me planted up on our garden area back fence.

And I did add some bachelor buttons to my front fence area. So I had a full day yesterday. :coolsun :watering :tools :thumbsup I was very tired last night but it was a wonderful tired. :throw

It is raining here today but as soon as it breaks I plan to go out and put some cardboard and newspaper down and then move 3 straw bales out of the duck shed for planting my asparagus beans in. :woot I will take photos. :thumbsup

:happy_flower Karan :D :happy_flower


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
Karenleaf! such beautiful pictures!!! I love all those ideas!

I have hen and chicks in my husbands old army boots they aged nicely as pots!

I am so tired sore and sunburned right now (but all in the good way :)) ...I have spent the past five days blissfully, weeding, hauling, moving, digging, picking, planting, preparing and eating

one of the 2 tomato beds is planted with three new varieties..I also planted, epazote, cilantro, corn, beans, another round of spinach and TONS of sunflowers!!! next week after the edible plant sale (Seattle Tilth has a great sale for anyone in the area PM me and I will send the link)
I will plant a second bed of tomatoes along with basil, a second round of carrots and other stuff I find at the sale!

I am still looking for that perfect peppermint! I have wonderful mints but there is one that I want and so far have not been able to find it ..I have no idea what the name is but it is pure pepperminty fresh flavored. Also at the tilth sale I want to find tarragon ..sometimes it will winter over ..but mainly it is an annual for me

my fig tree is loaded :) and the grape leaves are almost ready to harvest and stuff


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
Do I need to drill holes in the bottom of shoes?! I want to plant my husbands old steal toe boots now... I was going to pitch them since the zippers are busted, but I'd love to put some decorative sweet potato vine in them instead!!! :cool:

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