What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Bloody Butcher? It goes by the name of Jali Rancher in my garden. :lol:
:idunno Keep in mind that my DW won't eat beets because of the color of the juice . . .

A couple things I like about Jali, er, BB: One is that it has a very economical plant size. Second, it comes really, really early. Third, maybe all that flavor is in the pigment - for an early tomato, it is especially flavorful.

I like just about any tomato. DW likes mild/mild/mild. She eats the "bland" ones. If she ever finds out the name of this one, it's history.

:hide Steve


Garden Ornament
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
Glenwood, Missouri zone 5
Steve my garden brother I am soo waiting for my first fresh radish butter sandwich :p yumm Grow the white tomato for DW and see if it looks bland enough. ;)

Hattie DH wants to know and so do I what wine do you have with a radish butter sandwich ? Have you ever used herbed butter? I am thinking of giving it a try.

:happy_flower Karan :D

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
Hi there! :frow

Karan, I wrote a long answer to your question last night but unfortunately I must have done something stupid because it was spirited away, NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN........ :barnie :he.

I think it happened because I had a fall in the garden while I was shutting up the chickens! :old I slipped in all the mud from these heavy showers we are experiencing at the moment. I know I was begging for rain BUT........ ENOUGH NOW!!

My feet slipped& I ski-ed along on by heels & :th onto my right side. I'm OK but had a bloody elbow & a nick on my little finger -- this morning I see a spectacular technicolour bruise down my entire right side........!! I'm lucky it's not worse :old :idunno :)

As to your question -- a nice dry crisp white wine from New Zealand or one of your Zinfandels from California ( they always confuse me as they label them as WHITE when I can see they are PINK )!! But I am not adverse to a nice glass of ale with my radishes, butter & bread (whether sandwiched or not). :thumbsup

Yes I do use herb butters. I used to make many different flavours when I had my restaurant -- we would store them in the freezer after making.
They are very easy to make, roll in to a log shape, chill & then cut into disks & freeze. Great on top of a steak, fish or veggies. If you make several flavours family members can choose their favourite. The only flavour I don't like to freeze is fresh garlic as I think it develops an off flavour after a few days in the freezer.
I like ones that have zested lime, lemon or orange blended in with the herb of choice. I'm not mad on vast mixtures of herbs all jumbled together with the butter. By the way ALWAYS use unsalted butter if you are freezing them for a length of time.We used to make a lot when we got a good deal on butter & herbs, usually in the summer & they would last for ages into the winter. Herbs in olive oil are great too but you have to use those more quickly, because of spoilage. :sick


:rose Hattie :rose


Garden Ornament
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
Glenwood, Missouri zone 5
Reinbeau said:
Oh, Hattie, be careful out there! Do you live alone? That's awful, I hope you aren't too sore today! :hugs
I double those thoughts myself, Hattie my Garden Sister :hugs I would hate the thought of you breaking a bone or some other serious injury :th . Us gardeners don't do well layed up and watching from the side lines :old So please be careful :fl
I know how I was around here when I broke 3 ribs 4 years ago being thrown from my Saddlebred mare. Thank goodness it was November and not much gardening to be done. But I was :rant :somad :rant about house work around the house. :barnie Poor DH he had probably had second and third thoughts wither to stay around me or not. :idunno

I am soo glad you weren't injuried badly, I hope you won't be too sore for long soft :hugs :love :bouquet

I must get off to the office :tongue :sick down to the basement I go :sick

:happy_flower Karan :D


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Large bruises ain't good, Sister Hattie. I can go into a "litany" of problems but you should be thinking about those, yourself.

You may need to take a trip to the doctor.

And, keep a close watch on anything physical that doesn't seem quite right.

I'm a great believer in level ground. And, it really helps to wear such big clod-hoppers (and have the feet to fit them :rolleyes:).

Take care :hugs.


Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
Hi there! :frow

Reinbeau, Karanleaf, digetS',

I'm fine! Just magnificently bruised (that always the way with me) :barnie The shock of it happening was the main thing so now I am reviewing safety measures as YES, I do live alone! digetS' unfortunately I have SMALL feet but I shall try to buy a heavier pair of garden shoes to anchor me to the earth. :ya

I took it easy yesterday, sat around in the sun -- YES, SUN again, no rain at all....!! It was good to be able to relax a bit & appreciate the beauty of all the new blooms that are coming out daily. I tried not to look (just for the moment) at all the new nettles which are popping up everywhere. :( :( :(

My 2 grapevines have started to leaf out. I think the freezing cold winter will have done them a lot of good. I always seem to get a better harvest after a long freeze. One of them is a delicious muscat grape (I've lost the labels :tongue unfortunately. It is a very good eating one & has browny/light purple grapes. The other one has almost black grapes, that ripen much later but they are very sour -- I grow it for the Autumn colour of it's leaves as it twines together with my Clematis "Bill Mackenzie" which is in bloom from midsummer through to the first frosts. The yellow clematis flowers look amazing with the dark purples * reds of the vine -- it lifts my heart every year & consoles me for the coming end of summer!

I sowed more seeds -- pansies, marigolds etc. I took cuttings of various things about the garden that I have promised to friends & that I want in another spot in my haven. I have a fancy for more lavender in my front garden; it is super dry out there, very sunny & is on a bank. It's a good place to grow all those dry-garden plants! Eventually I want to get rid of the lawn as I HATE CUTTING GRASS (I am allergic to it, especially when it's wet -- I come up in bumps, eyes water & I can't swallow....!!) But the garden is also on a slope so it is a problem as to what to do.

All week I have been watching the programmes from the Chelsea Flower Show on BBC TV. It is our premiere garden show here in the UK & the BBC shows about 2hrs from it every day. Lots of new plants, beautiful displayed gardens by famous gardeners from all over the world, equipment etc, etc, & all in the centre of London. :ep I used to go every year when I lived in London but now it has become such a huge & social thing (lots of CELEBS etc :idunno :rant :plbb ) I can't face the chore of going & it's much easier to watch it in peace at home with a glass of wine! :lol: :gig
They have a large team of gardeners reporting on their favourite finds so you get a lot of variety. I wish you could all see it as I know you would enjoy it. It lasts all week -- a veritable GARDEN-FEST.

There has just been an item on the TV breakfast show about :bee :bee :bee Apparantly hives are being STOLEN; because the :bee are scarce & honey is going up in price........!!! SOME people are real S...S!!! :barnie :smack :rant :somad It's obviously highly organised as they are just taking the bees & leaving the hives!

HAPPY GARDENING everyone. Look after your :bee :bee :bee :bee :bee

:rose Hattie :rose


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)

Huh, huh??!

Think, long tap-rooted weeds (neetles, dandelions, etc.).

Think, getting around on wet paths.

Think, leaning on it and squinting into the sunset.

Now, wouldn't we all look wise beyond our years? hunh?

Steve ;)

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford

You break me up :yuckyuck As I was locking up 3 chicken coops at the time & needed 2 hands NOT POSSIBLE!!! ANY WAY with my luck it would have HIT ME ON THE HEAD.......!!! ;) ;) ;)

The weather is great today & I'm getting a lot done so the rest I got yesterday did me good. I'm filling up my 4th raised bed. I had to come indoors because I expecting a delivery any minute now -- my groceries for this holiday weekend including my favourite beer! I shall need it after I've finished tipping earth & compost tonight! :lol:

Happy Gardening!

:rose Hattie :rose


Garden Ornament
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
Glenwood, Missouri zone 5
:lol: :lol: :gig Steve My Garden Brother That is great :old Yes Yes I can see us all some day ;) :gig

Hattie my Garden Sister be careful and take it easy as I know you are sore at best.. :th :hu I am soo glad you did take a day to rest. :clap
But now just for some incentive to be easier on your self :duc
If you don't behave I may just have to take a loan out :rolleyes: against DH :rolleyes: hmm wonder how much I could get? :gig To buy tickets and fly over there to watch over you, :old :rant ;) And teach you how to get your photos posted :caf :thumbsup
Love ya Dear :hugs So take care of yourself. :hugs

We are Soo hoping for a great selling weekend as it is a Holiday here also Do you have Memorial Day there also?
Sales have been picking up the past few days as the weather has been warm and windy. Folks have been able to start working their gardens :woot :coolsun :ya DH and I have been very pleased with the responses we recieve from folks and it is mostly word of mouth. :duc :ya :duc :ya :thumbsup

:happy_flower Karan :D

Oh I had radish butter sandwich yesterday :clap :clap :p Yumm Yumm :D No wine just nice fresh peach tea yumm

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