Garden Master
Bloody Butcher? It goes by the name of Jali Rancher in my garden.
Keep in mind that my DW won't eat beets because of the color of the juice . . .
A couple things I like about Jali, er, BB: One is that it has a very economical plant size. Second, it comes really, really early. Third, maybe all that flavor is in the pigment - for an early tomato, it is especially flavorful.
I like just about any tomato. DW likes mild/mild/mild. She eats the "bland" ones. If she ever finds out the name of this one, it's history.

A couple things I like about Jali, er, BB: One is that it has a very economical plant size. Second, it comes really, really early. Third, maybe all that flavor is in the pigment - for an early tomato, it is especially flavorful.
I like just about any tomato. DW likes mild/mild/mild. She eats the "bland" ones. If she ever finds out the name of this one, it's history.