What Did You Do In The Garden?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
This is also @Rhodie Ranch 's former neck of the woods and @ninnymary is a neighbor. I say that I first became aware of the world in my Grandmother's garden in Redding. She had lots of white oak trees for shade and it wasn't an uncomfortable place for a 3-4 year old to find himself for a year out of his life. Then, we moved to Medford Oregon and a farm. Two degrees in latitude and doubling elevation from the Central Valley helped with Summer Heat.

But, even further north and higher in elevation — your heat is coming here, @akroberts . That's what the Weather Service tells us ... We are supposed to have only one more day (Today!) below 90⁰f (32⁰C). :) Interesting how including the Celsius makes it sound so much cooler. Anyway, record-breaking heat is a chance for next week hereabouts ...

Try To Stay Cool,


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
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San Francisco East Bay
Hi Steve, we are having a heat wave! 90* for a few days and today finally to 79*. Been on a jury trial so have neglected my garden. Did manage to prune 3 of my fruit trees one evening when it was cool. But I still have to deadhead most of my perennials.



Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
it is pretty humid out there this morning, i'm glad i got the heavy stuff done a bit ago and i'm taking a break to cool off before i go out and plant. rains forecast for today (slight chance this afternoon) and then increasing into tomorrow so we should get some rains. i'll still likely give everything i plant some water to get them settled in.

it will only be a half a garden today as i don't think i would survive trying to do the whole thing.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
i'm not sure about today, but we'll see what happens, the current storms may skirt us to the north and so i may get the back part of the garden planted. this will be the last of the bean planting and i don't really expect a full dry bean crop from these as it is also an unfenced garden so it may end up being eaten by the deer, rabbits and/or groundhogs.

i also need to check the beans and peas for some to pick and eat. unfortunately there are not two or more of me to do these things as there is still plenty of weeding that needs to be done and many other projects i'd like to get going on or finished.

gladly, Mom has been able to helping some by putting up the tomato cages and doing some lighter weeding but there are some gardens that are very hard for her to get into so those will remain as they are until i can get to them.

plenty of chances of rain remain in the forecast for the next week, even if a part of those chances turn out to be true and effective at wetting the ground i may not have to water at all other than the initial settling in of the seeds i've planted or hope to plant today. as usual, i have no true idea if i get this done or not until it happens as plans and weather can change along with other events...


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
yes, i did get sidetracked today, was hoping to plant beans, weather forecast was chances of rains.

as i was looking at the garden there was some quackgrass coming up in it and i knew that was likely a sign of runners under the surface which would need to be dug out of there. considering i've done this already multiple times in that same area i wanted to get some deep edges put down before i was going to want to do it yet another time. i only had three pieces of tile but they are about 14 or 16 inches by three feet and they would be a good edge. i wish i had more, but i don't right now (eventually i may be able to get some more).

it was hot and humid and i got the tiles put in, but i did not finish getting all the quack grass roots dug up so that will be tomorrow morning's chore. except, well, it did rain quite a bit and now we're back to mud again, so it may not happen until ...

we needed the rain and i'm glad we got it. that also tested out my new water works again and i did some improvement on that this morning (when i should have been doing something else... ahem... :/ ) which actually started out with me watering and then rinsing off some gravel and generally just putzing around with the hose instead of doing what i really should have been doing... heh... me and water projects... i really should have gotten into civil engineering...

so now this evening i'm contemplating the philosophy of watering. when it is dry outside for any length of time and how if you water later in the day you may inadvertantly attract more herbivores because they can certainly smell the water. the deer come through and empty our birdbaths sometimes if we don't get them emptied before nightfall.