Garden Master
When is your cut off date for bean planting?
when i'm dead?
When is your cut off date for bean planting?
I haven't saved much lettuce seed, only a small handful, but from what I read on Annapolis Seeds website, if you quite like your rogue lettuce hang on to it's seeds, because lettuce crossing are on the rare side! You may have your own lettuce variety in the making. ;>My big patch of my Cardinale head lettuce is beginning to bolt. While most lettuce plants send up a nice straight stalk head lettuce is different; the stalk has to kind of make a u-turn as it develops, and it's not pretty. The process results in most of the inner iceberg-type leaves rotting and turning to a messy brown mush, so some time was spent this afternoon trying to get rid of the worst of it so the plants can survive long enough to set seed. Not a pleasant task, but an important one I suppose.
One of these lettuce grew in a Romaine form, so I placed a ring of stones around that one to help keep track of it (it has a nice straight stalk, which will help to differentiate it from the rest). It could be an off-type if the seed is crossed, or perhaps a stray seed got caught in the seed cleaning equipment. Either way it's a rather handsome red Romaine and I might like to grow it again.
Lettuce does seem to be the poster child for self-pollination, so much so that I am trying Frank Morton's approach for those that I wish to cross intentionally. He ties the bolting stalks of desirable varieties together when they are about to flower, and then unties them before the seeds form. I figure it's worth a shot. I'm trying to cross green lettuce with red lettuce, in the hopes that I will be able to spot a cross if I actually get one.I haven't saved much lettuce seed, only a small handful, but from what I read on Annapolis Seeds website, if you quite like your rogue lettuce hang on to it's seeds, because lettuce crossing are on the rare side! You may have your own lettuce variety in the making. ;>