Baymule’s Farm


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
I like to be helpful to my gardening family. So I took a close up of The Stick high technology. It may help someone in need! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



Garden Addicted
Jun 9, 2018
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Vermont, USA (zone 4)
I put on my list, BUILD DOOR FOR PORTABLE BUILDING. In January, in a cold rain, almost dark, I was tired and just finished chores and the door fell off. I found a tarp to hang over the open doorway and put it up. I’ve been hating that darn tarp several times a day ever since. FINALLY I built a door—out of scraps of course. I got some 2x4’s from the shed that the hurricane blew apart. The floor to that part of the shed was pallets with scraps of plywood that came from my son’s house over 2 years ago. I recently pulled up the plywood and pallets, a little bit towards taking the rest of the shed apart.

So I made the door frame last week. I ripped 2x4’s and made the frame. The 2x4’s that the previous door was hung on were rotted. The old door was rotted. The screws just came loose.

View attachment 68352

The floor plate was rotted on the end.

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I cut a small piece and screwed to the floor plate, to give the new piece I spliced in, something to screw it to.

I cut a length out of the 2x4 the door was hung on and put a new (used) piece under it and a 2x4 on the backside to hold the 2 pieces together.

View attachment 68354

I even used a speed square making the door frame, so it’s sorta square. I hung the frame first, because if I made the complete door, it would be too heavy for me to work with.

I needed another set of hands to hold the frame up so I could screw in the hinges!

What Baymule does because she is not an octopus.

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My propping up on the ladder and bits of wood worked. I got the frame hung.

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Then I measured and cut scraps of plywood that has definitely seen better days. I lapped the pieces over one another.

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Door is finished. I took down that annoying tarp. I even found a metal handle and put that on the door. I have a very sophisticated closure and locking mechanism.

View attachment 68360
It's a step up from the tarp. Serviceability is worth more than appearance any day.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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Eventually I will put in some raised beds and want them up close to the house. Maybe a greenhouse too. The portable building is sitting on valuable real estate!
I put my raised bed way to far up the garden I so regret that now


Deeply Rooted
Jul 22, 2024
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Most of my garden surrounds the home. The wisteria is a little too close to the house . When it starts its yearly spiraling growth it’s everywhere and the magnolia trees the branches need to be clipped away from the roof. I planted these to close to the house. When newly planted trees look so tiny at first… after a few years they are crammed against he house.
I plan to cut them both down every year but end up trimming them smaller .


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
I met my son in law at my sister’s house Sunday afternoon and picked up my two youngest granddaughters. Oldest granddaughter is off to college! They are spending the week, we will leave early Friday morning, go to my sister’s and all of us are going to Corpus Christi. Middle granddaughter is entered in an art contest for south Texas at the museum Friday night. Sister and I will come back on Sunday.

I processed the hog meat on Monday. But first the girls and I put 2 pumpkin pies in the oven. The youngest birthday was Sunday and she wanted a birthday pie.

I cut meat off the bones.


I filled up a bowl and iced it down.


I got a little more.


Then I did the backstraps. I slid a sharp knife under the tough chewy white “silver skin” and cut it away. Then I cut in pieces and vacuum sealed.


I ground all the meat, first grind with coarse grind. It was 16 pounds of ground meat. I took out a pound, seasoned it and made breakfast skinless sausages. I fried 3, girls and I did a taste test and pronounced it good. So I seasoned the whole batch and started making breakfast sausages with the smallest tube. I pinched them off, laid on a cookie sheet on wax paper. I layered them between wax paper, got about 8 layers, got another cookie sheet and did another 3 or 4 layers. Put them in the freezer. I’ll vacuum seal them either today or tomorrow.


This took all day. Girls decorated a pie and we took it to Peggy and Bennett’s. Lit a candle, sang Happy Birthday and we all had pie. Then we all got in their truck and went to see the feral hogs in the trap. There was a sow with 5 babies and a young boar. That sow charged, hit the trap wire and bounced off. Again and again. Feral hogs are some mean critters.

Yesterday the girls and I put up a roll end of wire to give the 7 young spring ewes a very small pasture. It went faster and easier because I had 2 little kids as helpers. LOL the lambs sure appreciated the extra room. I think I’ll put up another one to give them 2 pastures.

We also ran Granny in the chute and I took off the vet wrap. Her injured hoof looked much better. I washed it in the coffee can of water. Squirted hydrogen peroxide on it and lots of purple spray. Then I wrestled with her for the foot and rewrapped it in vet wrap. She puts weight on it with the vet wrap giving support. We will do it again on Thursday because we are leaving Friday morning and I won’t be back until Sunday evening.


Then I got 4 loads of dirt delivered, 3 on future barn site, 1 in yard for me to put in strategic places to hopefully give dry places in the pens for the sheep this winter. I got the 3 loads about half spread, I’ll spread the rest today. Girls have 2 full days to play in the dirt and I told them they could have the water hose to make mud. Girls have a dirt pile to play in! Youngest birthday was Sunday and she gave her mom a list of things she wanted for her birthday. On that list was a pile of dirt. So I’m a big hero because I have a dirt pile.



Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
mud pies! perfect entertainment as i recall...

wild pig meat i hope will be cooked completely as i don't know how safe it is compared to commercial for parasites as you've noted in other recent posts about your animals there. hope it is all ok. :)


Deeply Rooted
Jul 22, 2024
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Yeah great fun still enjoyable 50 years later . Lots of mud pies , sliding and digging is handed down from generation to generation.

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