Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Continued prayers and positive thoughts for both you and your DH. I am so please you have your daughter to help. It is not easy keeping our headstrong, invinceable men safe from themselves at times. Still, it's easier to love them than to leave them unwatched

Hugs to you and your DD in this difficult time. May things get better for you and yours soon.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
Glad he's doing better today. I'm sure the ups and downs are exhausting for you and the whole family. I'm sure you're staying strong to help your kids through this as well as your husband. I pray he improves and you see some light at the end of the tunnel to renew your hope. :hugs

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Well, DH is back in the hospital. He has been there since Saturday. This time he has pleural effusion. They drained a liter of fluid and then a couple of days later half a liter. They are waiting to see if he will need a catheter. No idea where the fluid came from. The oncologist thinks he has new cancer in his brain. I do not believe it. It is not good anyway. He has all kinds of edema and swelling and radiation changes, but I do not believe cancer. He is saying DH has weeks to months, which he told me that 2 months ago. Neurosurgeon had said he had a year at least, but nobody really knows what is going on. I think he is having some kind of reaction to Xalkori a targeted gene cancer drug that can cause a pleural effusion, swelling of the face (which people who know him, say they cannot recognize him). A week ago he was at the doctor and weighed 195 pounds. From pictures i have posted of him, you can see he is slim, always weighed around 160 and I just found out today that he weighed 201 when in the ER Saturday. He weighs 197 today even with that fluid taken off. I am hoping since he is off Xalkori the fluid will go away and he will get stable. He most likely will have to go to a transition rehab hospital for a week and see how he does and then back home. I would bring him home first, but I do not want to put the catheter in unless needed, so they are going to watch and drain fluid if needed. They think it might have taken weeks to get like this. He has 1 calcified radiation treated lesion in his head and can barely function and on cancer websites I was reading a woman has EIGHTY new tumors in her brain. She is typing, talking, walking and doctors trying to decide how to treat her since she ALREADY HAD WHOLE BRAIN RADIATION. Just blows my mind how some people function so well and DH can barely walk and totally confused and a person answered her post and had 30 brain tumors treated with gamma knife and DH had ONE and has had trouble ever since. Time will tell. I know he had a lot of fluid in his feet before his surgery and within 12 days of being off Xalkori his feet were back to normal. Then after he got home from rehab they restarted the medicine and now ballooned to 201 pounds. He has been off it 7 days tomorrow and 1 foot is smaller, but he has his other foot and leg, stomach, face, brain and now lung to hopefully drain. He weighed 151 after chemo in Feb. and started this drug the first of Feb. and by May he weighed 180 and on up. They never questioned this or acted like it was a problem. It is a wonder he has not had heart failure from this.
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