One Alaskans greenhouse


Deeply Rooted
Jan 11, 2021
Reaction score
S. Central Alaska
Thanks @Dahlia, year after year consistent production with out major problems.

It’s that time of year where we’ll dip Sockeye’s. Today was the opener and a lot of people showed up. That’s usually not an issue if there’s fish in the stream. Today wasn't one of those days. Last week we 3 days in a row with 3,000 3,500 and 3,900 fish coming into the river. Today i only caught a pair. If i i keep after it, within the coming week i’ll get what i want; a total of 35 fish!

Waiting for “the time” at roughly 5:30 this morning. People starting to show up; it’s 3/8th of a mile from the bridge to the mouth of this stream and when i left folks were lining both sides most of the way back to the bridge!
These 3 Alaskan women drug that sled with gear and cooler all that way.
As i left the parking lot which was full and pull onto the road i notice the cars lining both sides of the road ditch for quite a ways.

It’s a good time, mostly.


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Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
Thanks @Dahlia, year after year consistent production with out major problems.

It’s that time of year where we’ll dip Sockeye’s. Today was the opener and a lot of people showed up. That’s usually not an issue if there’s fish in the stream. Today wasn't one of those days. Last week we 3 days in a row with 3,000 3,500 and 3,900 fish coming into the river. Today i only caught a pair. If i i keep after it, within the coming week i’ll get what i want; a total of 35 fish!

Waiting for “the time” at roughly 5:30 this morning. People starting to show up; it’s 3/8th of a mile from the bridge to the mouth of this stream and when i left folks were lining both sides most of the way back to the bridge!
These 3 Alaskan women drug that sled with gear and cooler all that way.
As i left the parking lot which was full and pull onto the road i notice the cars lining both sides of the road ditch for quite a ways.

It’s a good time, mostly.
I've always had a bit of a fascination with Alaska, a place sort of like where I live, but on steroids - the ULTRA wilderness. Was a big Jewel fan in my youth. I used to read endless travel books about it, and dreamed of going there someday. Seeing your photos reminds me of that time in my life, how dreamy the place really is. Given that I don't like travelling so likely will never go, it's nice to be able to enjoy your life in action photos of the astounding beauty there.


Deeply Rooted
Jan 11, 2021
Reaction score
S. Central Alaska
Thanks, here’s another dose of Alaskana for you. People have been netting these Salmon for hundreds of years and the State monitors the escapement so that the runs thrive. We get the rest; if you can catch them.
What a difference a day makes, today was the quietest day people wise ive seen in a long time. Probably due to how few fish were caught yesterday?
Any way, i brought home 17 today and they sure look like a mess in the cooler bag but they clean up real well once i get home (10min away) and clean them.
3rd picture is a nice one! And those are his fillets in the next picture. These fish are 2 meal fish for us and im allowed 35 per year. We’ve got it worked out perfectly to have Salmon on Mondays every week of the year; if the Lord has my name on enough of them.
After the filleting they are covered and chilled while i clean up the huge mess and re-assemble everything for tomorrow.
Then they go thru the vacuum sealer and what you see in the laundry basket is roughly half of the fish we hope to put up. This season is open till July 31st but ive never had to chase them more than 3-4 days to get what we want.

And here’s the Garden tie in. Nothing goes to waste, all the carcass’s go in the Hydroslate drum which gives up all the gooey goodness i want each year. The eggs are bagged with a good dollop of Molassas and a teaspoon of 20% Borax which cures them. Then they too are sealed in bags as bait for the next Salmon that arrive; the Silvers!

With all the “garage sale” delt with except the dirty cloths hanging on the fence, 5hrs after getting home; im done for the day. 😊

I included a shot of the nets i use which are 40 inch and 50 inch diameter. The actual net is gill net and when the fish swim in and are gilled we hoist them in the boat, bonk em, bleed em and toss them in the cooler bag. It’s both exhilarating and tiring.


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Deeply Rooted
Jan 11, 2021
Reaction score
S. Central Alaska
Winding down another successful dipping season i took some pictures to help you get a better perspective of how this goes.
After yesterday i only needed 16 and had them in under an hour! It was a banner day. In these first 4 pictures im walking downstream lining the canoe and keeping those nets out of the numerous overhanging branches.
Then i get to flat water and can paddle the last 1/3 mile. At the mouth im greeted by a raft of Gulls and a nice sunrise.
My buddy Conner showed up and got 11 to add to his Mom & Dad & Sisters haul. Due to the family size they are allowed 85 of these bad boys! They took home 41 today and we were all back home within 3 hours. Those in the net bag are Connors.


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Deeply Rooted
Jan 11, 2021
Reaction score
S. Central Alaska
As we came in i took some shots of the rest of the action. Once the initial flurry com’s down we know a lot of the people and those we don't know personally we recognize from year to year. Makes for pleasant conversation.
First 2 pictures are friends one of which lashed 3 canoes together which might get a little crowded when a strong run occurs.
Next 2 pictures are of folks lining the banks and these people use nets with up to 20 ft. Handles. Lot of work! Next 2 are Connor and family with they’re haul of 41 fish. Glad i only had to clean 16 today!
My barrel isn’t running over but i’m certainly done adding anything to it for the year!
The last picture is both my knuckles which are beat bloody from trying to hold wet, slimy, highly excited Fish and bonk them into submission. Some days it’s a wee bit like a gladiator sport.
Thanks you Lord we always enjoy the Salmon!!


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Deeply Rooted
Nov 24, 2020
Reaction score
Pacific Northwest
Winding down another successful dipping season i took some pictures to help you get a better perspective of how this goes.
After yesterday i only needed 16 and had them in under an hour! It was a banner day. In these first 4 pictures im walking downstream lining the canoe and keeping those nets out of the numerous overhanging branches.
Then i get to flat water and can paddle the last 1/3 mile. At the mouth im greeted by a raft of Gulls and a nice sunrise.
My buddy Conner showed up and got 11 to add to his Mom & Dad & Sisters haul. Due to the family size they are allowed 85 of these bad boys! They took home 41 today and we were all back home within 3 hours. Those in the net bag are Connors.
Are some of those salmon "silvers"? We were once anchored out next to a fisherman who was catching lots of silvers. He brought one over to our boat and asked if we wanted it! We said hell yes and traded some ice cold beers for it. We promptly cooked it on the grill immediately and it was the best fish I ever had!


Deeply Rooted
Jan 11, 2021
Reaction score
S. Central Alaska
No, these are all Sockeye (reds) Silvers will start showing up in our streams within 2 weeks. They are good eating too but around here the preference is Reds, Kings then Silvers. Now that i no longer have the ocean boat, Kings are a thing of the past.☹️

In theory maybe but these nets are large and somewhat un-gainly. Most of the folks use nets 5ft diameter and those fish are gilled when they swim into the nets. When they “run up the river” they are moving at a pretty good clip. It’s not uncommon to have a fish move your net 5 feet! Another consideration is our tide swings! Tomorrows high is over 35ft. Then a minus 4 ft tide, we are right up there either number 2 or 3 IN THE WORLD for tide swings! This all plays a big part in the fish movements.
One person had 4 in the net at once today. 7 at a time was last years record. I’ve never gotten 2 at a time and happy with that. It’s totally crazy when they are running and multiples also multiply crazy. Im pretty adventurous but prefer a mellow approach.

Surprisingly few fish are caught in the shallows.

After a nice long, hot bath i’ll massage my poor hands with Lavender and Peppermint oil and fix dinner. And; it’s Monday so it’ll be Salmon!😃
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