Santa delivered, so ..?

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
@Carol Dee, have you made changes in your everyday diet that you are going to keep up indefinitely? I guess I'm asking, When you get to your target weight, will you be able (emotionally) to continue to eat the way you are doing now? I think people have to change the role food plays in their life. We use food to celebrate, to mourn, to comfort. These are hard traditions to change, and most people don't want to.
What's Thanksgiving without candied yams and pumpkin pie, and cornbread stuffing? :idunnoCan you get someone else to cook the dinner, and only attend and not take leftovers? :barnie
I am so proud of you for undertaking this challenge. I think your choice to get more active is going to be such a big help in keeping the weight off. Probably your metabolism has changed with the weight loss, and you are revving it up by keeping active.You need to treat yourself with some new weight training equipment or a gym membership. You deserve it!

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
@Carol Dee, have you made changes in your everyday diet that you are going to keep up indefinitely? I guess I'm asking, When you get to your target weight, will you be able (emotionally) to continue to eat the way you are doing now? I think people have to change the role food plays in their life. We use food to celebrate, to mourn, to comfort. These are hard traditions to change, and most people don't want to.
What's Thanksgiving without candied yams and pumpkin pie, and cornbread stuffing? :idunnoCan you get someone else to cook the dinner, and only attend and not take leftovers? :barnie
I am so proud of you for undertaking this challenge. I think your choice to get more active is going to be such a big help in keeping the weight off. Probably your metabolism has changed with the weight loss, and you are revving it up by keeping active.You need to treat yourself with some new weight training equipment or a gym membership. You deserve it!

Thanksgiving will be here. No problem (I don't think.) I will prepare plenty of things I can enjoy guilt free and just Taste the *pointier foods* I will plan ahead and not be starved at lunch. I should be fine. :) No gym membership for me. I am spending PLENTY on healthy foods and Weight Watcher fees. We do have a stationary bike (3 in 1) that I have yet to get on! LOL The foot/ankle and hip still pain me too much to go for long walks or spend time on uneven surfaces. But I can do much more and some balance improvement! YEAH.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Outsourcing can be the problem, @Nyboy .

I see that you have gone straight from making that comment on the cost of healthy food to a question on one of the least expensive foods - beans.

I'm not gonna be able to help you much over there. Green beans are one of my very favorite vegetables. DW found a big handful under the frost-killed tops of some of the plants where the tomatoes had sprawled out amongst them! We ate those this week. (She found a few tomatoes, too :).)

Like you, my most common way to eat dry beans is in soup. Sauteed onions and celery with chicken broth can replace the water used to cook the beans during the last 20 minutes that they need to cook. A leafy green can go into the pot and, there you be - bean soup! Oh! I guess I could put this over on your bean thread ...

Anyway, food preparation can be a problem with using whole foods. It takes time. I know that I have said it before but I knew that I liked apple pie as a kid but finally realized that I had to peel an apple to enjoy it or I just wasn't going to like them fresh.

Some people can do it but for me, there are few foods that I'm interested in eating straight out of the gardens or off the trees. I'm not even much of a salad eater ... ;)



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Carol, what kind of pain is your foot and hip? In another thread, I describe how I use a turmeric and coconut oil paste to reduce inflammation in my knee. You don't have to use the coconut oil, the turmeric really helps. I also use Arnicare cream topically for soreness and pain.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Carol, what kind of pain is your foot and hip? In another thread, I describe how I use a turmeric and coconut oil paste to reduce inflammation in my knee. You don't have to use the coconut oil, the turmeric really helps. I also use Arnicare cream topically for soreness and pain.
Not sure any pill or ointment will help :( My feet are VERY flat and have progressed to the point all bones and ligaments, tendons have shifted or stretched out. Causing pulling and pinching, etc. The Achilles tendon is shot on left foot. I wear a custom fit boot inside my shoe to hold things in alignment and less pain. Walking barefoot. No Way. Dr. says there is a surgery that MIGHT help. Four + hours long to realign and pin things in proper places and shorten and reattach the Achilles! Then a 3 month NO weight bearing recovery period. I asked if I could then wear any shoe and no orthotics. He said I'd still will need to wear special shoes and will not guarantee all pain to be gone. So No Way. The hip probably arthritis. Some days are better than others. But when it hurts sitting in bus seat of laying on either side hurts. :( I really should not complain about hip as most with hip pain are much worse.

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
Dang, Carol! That is rough. I just don't think feet have been given the benefit of research and innovation that some of the more "glamorous" body parts have. Look at the advances in knee replacement and heart valves, etc. If our feet hurt, it affects almost everything we do.
I recently read about the FDA giving preliminary approval for synthetic cartilage to be used in toes. This is a 35 minute out-patient procedure that is supposed to take the place of fusing the big toe, which is a pretty radical, but apparently common surgery. (For when there is no cartilage left in the joint). I am going to an orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday to see if this procedure can be used yet. And if it is appropriate for me. I think trimming down the bone spurs and getting rid of the broken off piece, then putting in artificial cartilage on my toe would be a better answer than fusing the joint. Much less recovery time, as well.
Sorry, I didn't mean to hijack the thread. You deserve us trying to stay on topic better than we (I) normally do.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Sorry, I didn't mean to hijack the thread.
The thread subject: staying in shape.

I don't know how I would stay in shape if I couldn't move about on my feet. I do not want to have to learn those lessons. Let's learn how to take care of our feet.

That's a step in the right direction!
