Garden Master
Carol, you are doing great. 

Okay.sounds like a slippery slop!
WATER- if I know I am really not hungry or need to wait until meal time I will often drink a big glass of water to help fill the void.I had a multigrain, hot cereal for breakfast. It's raining and windy and still dark. I am waiting for the self-imposed 4 hours until coffee moment. Wandering into the kitchen and decided to have a couple of figs rather than some of the dang strudel sitting on the counter. I know! Probably little difference in calories, but ...
Anyway, DW was recently wondering about appetite suppression with roasted buckwheat tea ...? I treat myself with drinks. That "cafig" roasted fig beverage I've been using to cut down on caffeine came to mind with DW's comments ... I should check the ingredients in that breakfast cereal ...
Has anyone used a beverage to suppress appetite? Carbs but, maybe not many - it would be mostly water, after all.