Garden Master
So they grass feed their finishing hogs? Their hogs are outside & fed no antibiotics? Guaranteed that your amish are a whole lot cleaner than their Indiana brethern.ducks4you said:We are blessed because the privately owned grocery store 10 minutes away from us gets ALL of the their meat from the Amish locker--I talked to the butcher to confirm this. We do other business with members of an Amish community an hour away from us and I SEE how they keep their livestock--ALL grass fed, ALL pastured.
Very rarely is any of the meat tough, it is also priced about the same as in C-U. The pork and beef steaks are particularly tender.
There was a recent article in "Hobby Farms" about black pigs, and how they are well-suited for pasturing because they don't sunburn. I understand that they are an endangered breed, but used to be quite numerous.
Yes non-white hogs are better for outside. They are not an endangered species, it's just commercial herds use white for a variety of reasons.
Outside hogs will have a tremendous more amount of fat on them as modern hogs would freeze outside, no fat.
If the meat is tender, guaranteed they are being fed grain. Grass fed are a lot slower to market and much less fat (fat makes for tender meat).
For acorn fed hogs, you must be referring to 1860, little before my time.