Santa delivered, so ..?


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
Carol Dee! That's so great! You get a big ol' Gold Star!

Yea, Carol Dee! That's a motivational activity for sure. Unfortunately, once the spouse sees that you can do it, the job is yours forever. Put that grass back asap!

That's very true. Sometimes being capable of certain jobs dooms you to do them forever.
But! It's not always the case, thankfully. For example I was the exclusive mower and yard care specialist for years, decades even. That's because I like yard work, really, really a lot! And my husband was always the other extreme, blaming it on his childhood as a domestic slave, haha.

But a few years back he took over the majority of the mowing, and now I only do it when he's working long hours and not likely to get to it until it's grown tall enough to give me a nervous tic. I still do the weed mowing in most places, but he even does the hardest part of that now up along the road easement.
My real dream is to have him wake up one day with an insatiable desire to grocery shop and cook. Hope springs eternal!


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Wait a minute!

Those 3.7 ounces has more significance to my percentages! I should be the one losing them ...

Wow! Tuff League ... I better see if there is a T-ball challenge I can get into!

;) Steve


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
We all need DETAILS on the tweaks. :hu

Sure! Basically we cut our meal portions down by half-ish, increased our fresh fruit and vegetables by twice, easily, and eliminated about 90% of processed foods.

I always thought we ate pretty healthily and didn't think there would be too much room for improvement, so when dh decided he wanted to attack the diabetes with exercise and diet I was a little skeptical. Sweet @ninnymary , sent us a book, Eat to Live, by Joel Fuhrman and we started reading and learning. I also bought another book by the same author The End of Diabetes, and we have begun adopting some of his ideas in our food choices.

It has made a terrific difference. Dh's original blood work showed his blood sugar at 324, last Saturday it was 118. His original A1C was 7.5, his last Dr. visit it was 6.5, just 3 weeks after his initial diagnosis. His doctor is extremely encouraged by his initiative and progress, and said in two months if his numbers are in the normal range she'll take him off the medication. Yay for him!!

So we feel validated by the new lifestyle. It has to be a lifestyle change or it's pointless.

The best part is because we are getting more actual nutrition in less food, I don't feel like I'm starving or depriving myself.

I have a very good friend who has been diabetic for 20 years and she has started to eat this way also. She's lost 16 pounds in a little less than a month and is very excited about the whole thing.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
Oh my goodness your friend has also lost a lot of weight! Tell her I'm so proud of her too just like I am of you and your husband @thistlebloom.

I just love Dr. Joel Furhman. My Good cholesterol went up 50 points and my bad went down 50 points after reading his book and following his plan for 6 weeks. I forgot to mention to you that it was a woman MD at our crossfit gym who told me about it. She said she hadn't read the book but that some of her patients had and she had noticed tremendous improvement.

It has to be a lifestyle and you have to want and be willing to do the changes.

I think I've given this book to 4 people now.

You don't know what it means to me thistlebloom to have touched you and your friend's lives. :):hugs



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Way to go @digitS' and @thistlebloom (and her DH) great loses. Guess what I did yesterday for the 1st time in THREE YEARS? I mowed the yard, all of it, all by myself... :p

With the theme from "Rocky" playing over the whirr of the mower blade and the clamorous noise of the motor, our very own Carol astonished her family and friends as she mowed her yard. When she was done, she ran to her porch, with arms upraised, jumping for joy at her accomplishment. :thumbsup

Revised version; Carol worked so hard, mowing the yard.......beads of sweat formed, tiny riverlets ran down her face. The riverlets gushed and soon she was soaked. Her knees quivered, determination propelled her forward. The loud motor on the mower rang in her ears, giving her a bodacious headache. FINALLY! DONE! Carol left the mower where it consumed the last blade of grass and dragged herself to the porch. Her arms hung limply as she fumbled for the door. Soaking in a hot tub of water, she decided she would survive her ordeal......and she can't wait to do it AGAIN. :lol:

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
@baymule Well Now... Version two was much closer to the REAL THING.... LOL.
@Smart Red I almost always mowed the yard when I could. DH works long hours and only wanted to nap when he got home or do anything more fun than Mow the yard and the LONG grass drove me nuts so I mow. ;)
@thistlebloom that diet sounds very much like what I am eating with Weight Watchers. Works for me. <3 Dr. wants a new cholesterol screen done, too.

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